In a bold move to tackle the growing issue of dust pollution in Pune, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken decisive action by halting 91 construction projects and issuing notices to 158 sites across the city. The aim is to ensure that construction activities adhere to strict pollution control measures set by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) in order to protect public health.

The impact of construction dust on residents cannot be underestimated, with risks including respiratory problems, heart issues, and eye irritation. With winter exacerbating the problem, the PMC is taking proactive steps to address the issue.

To combat dust pollution, the PMC has laid out specific measures for developers to follow, including the installation of construction site enclosures, the use of green nets and regular water spraying, road spraying, safe debris transportation, and ensuring workers are equipped with protective gear.

A recent survey conducted by PMC engineers across six zones in Pune revealed varying levels of compliance, with Zone 5 standing out as the area with the highest number of notices issued. Developers in this zone have been given a seven-day deadline to rectify the situation before facing suspension orders.

City Engineer Prashant Waghmare emphasized the importance of enforcing compliance with MPCB guidelines, stating that the PMC will continue its efforts to ensure that construction activities do not pose a threat to public health. With work-stoppage orders already in place for non-compliant projects, developers are urged to take immediate action to rectify the situation.

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