Pune: In a shocking incident, two individuals have been nabbed for extorting a hefty sum of Rs 5 lakh from hotel owners in the Katraj area. The accused, identified as Nikhil Sunil Shinde and Siddharth Rahul Ranpise, allegedly threatened the hoteliers with complaints to the State Excise Department and the District Collectorate.
The extortion racket reportedly operated between May 2024 to June 13, 2024, causing distress to the local business community. The victims were coerced into handing over Rs 2 lakh each, under the threat of facing legal repercussions for operating their establishments without proper permissions.
Vishwanath Padmnabh Pujari, a resident of Katraj, bravely lodged a complaint with the authorities, leading to the swift arrest of the accused. The duo, residents of Sahakar Nagar, now face charges under various sections of the IPC for their criminal activities.
The accused, posing as representatives of a local organization, targeted multiple restaurant and bar owners in the Katraj Chowk area. Their modus operandi involved spreading fear and intimidation among the business owners, ultimately leading to their arrest by the dedicated team at the Bharati Vidyapeeth Police Station.
Thanks to the quick action taken by the police, the perpetrators have been brought to justice, providing relief to the affected hoteliers. The investigation into the matter is ongoing under the supervision of senior officers, ensuring that justice is served in this case of extortion and intimidation.
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