In a groundbreaking move to assist patients battling Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has announced a new initiative to provide free treatment at Kamala Nehru Hospital and financial aid for those seeking care at private hospitals. Patients treated in private hospitals will receive assistance of up to ₹2 lakh under the Urban Poor Scheme, and the costly ‘Immunoglobulin’ injection will be provided free of charge for all GBS patients.

The announcement was made by Pune MP and Union Minister of State, Muralidhar Mohol, after discussions with key officials including Municipal Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Bhosale and Health Chief Dr. Nina Borade. The decision comes in response to the increasing number of GBS cases in the city, with Mohol emphasizing the importance of providing support to affected residents.

“The treatment for GBS will now be available free of cost at Kamala Nehru Hospital, and patients in private hospitals will receive financial assistance of up to ₹2 lakh. This includes free ‘Immunoglobulin’ injections,” Mohol stated.

With the rise in GBS cases posing a significant concern, Mohol stressed the need for these measures to alleviate the financial burden on patients and their families. The PMC has also reassured the public that it is taking proactive steps to address the situation and support those affected by providing financial relief.

This initiative marks a significant step towards ensuring accessible and affordable healthcare for GBS patients in Pune, and is a testament to the PMC’s commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its residents.

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