In a bid to offset the environmental impact of tree felling along Ganeshkhind Road, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken a green initiative by planting 5,015 new trees in various locations within a 3 km radius. These trees, standing at 5-6 feet tall, have been carefully documented with GPS tagging and photographs to ensure transparency.
This move comes in response to criticism and legal action from the Bombay High Court, which had ordered the transplantation of felled trees and the plantation of 5,000 new trees with a high survival rate. The Court had also demanded street-side plantation approved by a botanical expert and regular updates on the PMC website.
The controversy began when the PMC allowed the felling of 192 trees without adequate public consultation, leading to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by environmental advocates. The Court’s intervention prompted the PMC to redo the entire process and reissue notices, emphasizing the importance of following legal procedures.
While the recent plantation of 5,015 trees is a step in the right direction, concerns remain about compliance and transparency. With over 32,600 compensatory plantations required for ongoing projects in Pune, activists are calling for stricter monitoring and a pause on new permissions until existing commitments are met.
As Pune grapples with urbanization, the balance between development and sustainability is crucial. Legal interventions and public engagement offer hope for preserving the city’s green cover and ecological heritage.
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