The Bombay High Court recently heard a plea from an AIMIM leader seeking permission for a rally in honor of Tipu Sultan. The court had some strong words for the Pune Police, criticizing them for using “law and order” as a reason to deny such requests. The judges reminded the police that maintaining law and order is their responsibility and that they shouldn’t use it as an excuse every time.

While the court acknowledged the police’s need to assess the situation on the ground, they made it clear that they wouldn’t intervene unless absolutely necessary. The judges emphasized that the police have the right to hold processions, but the judiciary won’t issue blanket orders when the police have a better understanding of the situation.

The Chief Public Prosecutor informed the court that the police had allowed the procession to take place along a specific route but had concerns about banners and arches. The court directed the police to make a decision on the banners and arches within 24 hours.

With the issue resolved, the High Court disposed of the petition. It’s a reminder that while everyone has the right to peaceful assembly, the police must balance public safety with individual rights. Let’s hope for a successful and peaceful rally in honor of Tipu Sultan.

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