Crime in Pune saw a mixed bag in 2024, with a decline in violent crimes but a rise in cheating, rape, and molestation cases. While murder cases dropped by 9% and attempt-to-murder cases fell by 24%, cheating cases surged by 82%, rape cases increased by 23%, and molestation cases rose by 11%.

Commissioner Kumar credited the increase in rape and molestation cases to the prompt registration of offenses related to women. The department’s focus for 2025 includes reducing murder cases, strengthening women’s safety measures, improving traffic management, enhancing cyber policing capabilities, and activating CCTV cameras across the city.

On the crime management front, the police have implemented a zero-tolerance policy towards habitual offenders, with strong chargesheets submitted for high-profile cases in 2024. Traffic solutions have also been a priority, with improvements noted in congested areas like University Chowk and Solapur Road.

Overall, the Pune Police are gearing up for a safer and more efficient 2025, with a focus on proactive measures and technology-driven policing.

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