Hey there, folks! Today we’ve got some spicy news coming out of Pune. The city police have been busy investigating a criminal defamation complaint filed against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. It turns out that he allegedly defamed freedom fighter and Hindutva ideologue Vinayak Damodar Savarkar during a speech in London back in March 2023.
According to reports, Gandhi made some defamatory remarks about Savarkar, claiming that he had written about beating up a Muslim and enjoying it with his friends. But hold on a minute, Savarkar’s grandnephew, Satyaki Savarkar, wasn’t having any of it. He filed a complaint in April 2023, providing news reports and a YouTube video link of Gandhi’s speech as evidence.
Satyaki was not happy with Gandhi’s alleged false claims and demanded the maximum punishment for defamation under the Indian Penal Code. He accused Gandhi of intentionally spreading lies to tarnish Savarkar’s reputation. The JMFC court then instructed the Pune city police to conduct an inquiry, which they just wrapped up and submitted to the court.
The police report concluded that Gandhi did defame Savarkar during his London speech by making statements that were nowhere to be found in Savarkar’s writings. Looks like Gandhi might have some explaining to do in court. Stay tuned for more updates on this spicy political drama!
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