Illegal activities at bars and pubs in Pune continue to be a cause for concern, as some operators are still not following regulations despite crackdowns by authorities. In a recent raid at ‘Plink- Cocktails, Cuisines, Cabaret’ in Yerawda, it was found that the establishment was illegally selling foreign liquor and beer. Two managers were detained and the GM and owner have been booked under relevant sections of the law.

The Pune City Police, State Excise Department, and PMC have been working together to tackle the issue of illegal bars and have been conducting joint operations. Nearly 70 bars have been shut down under orders from the Pune District Collector, and the police continue to take legal action against offenders.

Despite previous warnings and joint raids, some establishments are still operating unlawfully. Senior Police Inspector Ravindra Shelke emphasized the importance of enforcing compliance and taking strict action against those who do not follow the rules.

The recent raid at ‘Plink- Cocktails, Cuisines, Cabaret’ serves as a reminder that illegal activities will not be tolerated, and authorities will continue to crack down on such establishments to maintain law and order in the city.

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