Kalyaninagar is making headlines once again as the Yerawada police crack down on two pubs for throwing unauthorized New Year parties. Unicorn House near DMart and Ballr were both found guilty of violating regulations and not obtaining the proper permissions for their events.

Unicorn House was raided after complaints from nearby residents about loud music. The police found a DJ playing to a crowd of 60 customers without the necessary permits. The party was shut down, music equipment confiscated, and a case was registered under Section 223 of the Bombay Police Act for disobedience to orders.

Meanwhile, Ballr faced similar consequences for hosting an unauthorized event with international performers without police approval. The management failed to secure the required permits for music, leading to further trouble with the authorities.

It seems like these pubs will have to learn their lesson the hard way as they face the consequences of their actions. Let’s hope that this serves as a reminder to other establishments in Kalyaninagar to follow the rules and regulations to avoid getting in trouble with the law.

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