In a heartbreaking turn of events in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar, a Porsche allegedly driven by a 17-year-old boy collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the tragic deaths of two IT professionals hailing from Madhya Pradesh, Ashwini Koshta (24) and Aneesh Awadhiya (24). The young driver was reported to have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident, causing a stir nationwide.
Sampreet, the brother of one of the deceased, Ashwini Koshta, shared his harrowing experience with renowned journalist Tikam Shekhawat from Punekar News. He raised concerns about the handling of the situation by the Pune police, particularly in the process of retrieving his brother’s body. Despite the necessary documentation required from Madhya Pradesh, Sampreet expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of assistance from the authorities. Furthermore, he shed light on the detention of the victim’s friends at Yerwada Police Station, questioning the reasons behind their prolonged stay.
The family endured a distressing wait at the police station, extending late into the night. Although bail was eventually granted, the friends of the victim remained in custody until evening, prompting suspicions of ulterior motives behind their prolonged detention. Allegations of preferential treatment surfaced, with claims of pizza and cold drinks being provided without any evidence to support the allegations.
In response to the situation, Tikam Shekhawat assured Sampreet of Punekar News’ dedication to investigating the matter further with the Pune police. He stressed the importance of transparency and accountability, especially in cases involving loss of life. Shekhawat expressed solidarity with Sampreet and his family during this challenging time, emphasizing the necessity of stringent actions within the department to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.
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