The quiet morning in Hadapsar took a dark turn as Satish Wagh, the maternal uncle of BJP leader Yogesh Tilekar, was abducted in broad daylight. The incident occurred at Fursungi Phata, where Wagh was forcibly taken by a group of three to four individuals. Despite the family’s quick response and alerting the police, Wagh’s lifeless body was discovered later in the day within the Yavat police station’s jurisdiction.
The news of Wagh’s abduction and subsequent murder has sent shockwaves through the community, raising concerns about citizen safety and the government’s ability to maintain law and order. Additional Commissioner of Police, Manoj Patil, has assured the public that 16 teams have been deployed to track down the suspects and investigate the case thoroughly.
Two suspects have already been detained and are currently being questioned, with efforts underway to identify and capture the remaining individuals involved in this heinous crime. As the investigation continues, the people of Hadapsar are left grappling with the tragic loss of a family member and demanding justice for Satish Wagh.
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