As Pune gears up for the New Year’s Eve celebrations, the Pune Police are leaving no stone unturned to ensure the safety of citizens. In a recent conversation with Punekar News, Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Patil emphasized the importance of road safety and public order during the festivities.

Patil urged citizens to act responsibly by refraining from drinking and driving, avoiding rash driving, and following traffic rules. The message from the police is clear: Don’t drink and drive, drive responsibly, and ensure safety for everyone on the roads.

To enforce these rules, Pune Police will be deploying extensive surveillance through CCTV cameras and increased patrolling. Breathalyzer tests will be conducted at multiple checkpoints across the city to identify and penalize drunk drivers.

In the past four months, strict action has been taken against traffic violations, with over 1,10,000 cases registered for wrong-side driving and more than 55,000 cases for triple-seat riding. These actions aim to reduce traffic congestion and enhance road safety for all citizens.

With an average of 1,200 road accidents annually in Pune, nearly 300 resulting in fatalities, it is crucial for everyone to follow traffic rules and drive responsibly. As part of an initiative by the Commissioner of Police, 2,800 CCTV cameras are being installed across the city to enhance surveillance and the Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) will improve traffic flow and ensure safer roads through technology-driven solutions.

In a significant achievement, Pune Police have already registered over 5,500 cases of drunk driving in 2024, surpassing the total number of cases from the past four years combined. The efforts of the police department aim to make Pune a safer place for all its citizens as they ring in the New Year.

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