The Pune City police have taken a serious stance against Manorama Khedkar, the mother of probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar, by issuing a notice threatening to cancel her firearm license. This decision comes after a case of rioting and threats was filed against her by the Paud police station. Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar has stated that legal action will be taken once they receive a response from Manorama regarding the notice.

In a recent development, a Pune Police team visited Manorama Khedkar’s residence to deliver the notice, which was found pasted outside her bungalow. Another notice has been issued demanding an explanation as to why her pistol should not be confiscated.

The incident in question occurred during an altercation over a land dispute in Dhadawali village, captured in a viral video. The Pune Rural police have confirmed the authenticity of the video and have filed charges against Manorama, her husband Dilip Khedkar, and their bouncers.

Manorama’s lawyer has claimed that she carried the firearm for self-defense during the dispute, which is currently in civil court. The Superintendent of Police (Pune Rural) has mentioned ongoing investigations, including witness statements and a spot panchanama in the village.

The case has sparked public interest due to the involvement of a prominent family and the potential misuse of a licensed firearm. The police’s prompt actions and thorough investigation highlight the importance of responsible firearm ownership in sensitive situations.

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