Pune Police recently made a groundbreaking announcement with the launch of their new “MySafe Database App,” which aims to keep tabs on over 30,000 habitual offenders in the city. This innovative app will provide detailed profiles of repeat offenders, allowing law enforcement to closely monitor their activities and enhance public safety.
Key features of the app include comprehensive data on offenders, focusing on serious crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and rape, as well as minor offenses like vandalism and harassment. Regular inspections will be conducted every 7-15 days to ensure that habitual offenders are not engaging in criminal activities.
The police have also identified crime hotspots around the city and will be deploying special teams, such as the Damini squad, to patrol these areas and prevent criminal activities. The Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch) emphasized the importance of technology in transforming policing and maximizing resources.
By closely monitoring habitual offenders and updating their activity logs, the “MySafe Database App” is expected to play a crucial role in reducing crime in Pune and creating a safer environment for residents. This initiative showcases the power of technology in enhancing law enforcement capabilities and targeting crime prevention efforts effectively.
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