The Pune Police have revealed that the minor accused in the tragic Porsche crash that claimed two lives was completely coherent at the time of the accident. They are confident in their investigation and have built a strong case that could result in a 10-year prison sentence for the young driver.
Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar shared that the investigation is thorough, starting from the moment the accused left his home on the night of May 18 until the devastating crash occurred early on May 19, sparking outrage and protests nationwide.
Addressing concerns about conflicting blood sample reports, CP Kumar clarified that both private hospital and government hospital reports were obtained and are being analyzed. He also commented on the driver’s claim that he was behind the wheel, stating that they are looking into the circumstances surrounding that statement.
In response to allegations of multiple FIRs in the case, Kumar explained that the initial FIR invoked Section 304A of the IPC, but as the seriousness of the situation became apparent, Section 304 was added to the charges. He emphasized that the police are under pressure to build a solid case and ensure justice is served.
Regarding a viral video purportedly showing the accused using offensive language in a police station, Kumar dismissed it as fake and stated that they are investigating its origin and intent. He also refuted claims that the accused was provided with special treatment like pizzas and burgers while in police custody.
The fake video is believed to have been created by a techie from Madhya Pradesh, working for a firm in New Delhi. The police are looking into the matter and will take appropriate action.
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