In a heartwarming turn of events, a three-year-old boy who went missing in Wagholi was safely reunited with his family thanks to the quick response of Pune police. The child was found within four hours near Nikhar Ladies Shop on Baif Road after a resident alerted authorities.

The alert citizen, Manisha Chetan Sonar, noticed the unattended boy and immediately contacted Police Officers Pratiksha Pansare and Sachin Pawar from the Crime Branch’s Unit 6. Senior Police Inspector Wahid Pathan was promptly informed, and the search operation was launched as part of Operation Muskan, a program aimed at locating missing women and children.

The police wasted no time in circulating the boy’s photo on social media and conducting a thorough search in various areas of Wagholi. Their efforts paid off when they received information that a three-year-old boy had gone missing from Akshay Sanskriti Society.

Upon reaching the society, officers showed the boy’s photo to residents, leading to an emotional reunion as the child’s mother identified him. She expressed her gratitude to the police for their swift action in bringing her son back safely.

The successful operation was led by Senior Police Inspector Wahid Pathan and supported by a dedicated team of officers including Assistant Police Inspector Madan Kamble, Sub-Inspector Ramkrishna Dalvi, and several police personnel who worked tirelessly to ensure the boy’s safe return.

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