The Pune Police cracked down on the illegal sale of nylon manja in the city, seizing a total of 52 bundles in separate raids. The dangerous synthetic thread, often used for kite flying, has been banned in Maharashtra due to its hazardous nature. The police seized 50 bundles worth ₹10,000 from a shop in Upper Indiranagar and two bundles valued at ₹1,600 from a store in Dhanori.
The sale and manufacture of nylon manja have been prohibited under the Bombay High Court’s directives, as it poses serious risks such as severe injuries to two-wheeler riders and even fatal accidents. Cases have been registered against the shopkeepers for disobedience of orders issued by public authorities.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime), Nikhil Pingale, highlighted the seriousness of the issue and stated that a special drive has been launched to tackle the illegal sale of nylon manja. He warned that strict action will be taken against those endangering public safety by selling this banned material.
Despite the ban imposed by the Maharashtra government in 2017, the use and sale of nylon manja continue, especially during the Makar Sankranti season when kite flying is popular. Violators of the ban face penalties such as fines of up to ₹5,000 and imprisonment of up to three years. It is crucial for authorities to continue cracking down on the illegal sale of nylon manja to ensure the safety of the public.
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