Pune is cracking down on traffic offenders, especially those with a long list of unpaid fines. The traffic police have started a campaign to impound vehicles with 50 or more pending traffic challans. So far, 44 vehicles have been seized, with most belonging to delivery drivers from popular platforms like Swiggy and Zomato.
Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar stated that there are 21 vehicles with over 100 unpaid fines and nearly 1,000 vehicles with between 50 and 99 unpaid fines. The police have identified these vehicles and plan to take action against their owners to ensure the fines are paid. If not, the vehicles will be impounded.
Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Patil highlighted the joint efforts of the traffic divisions, noting that the offending vehicles have racked up fines totaling Rs 3.18 crore. Patil also mentioned that tourist and commercial vehicles with over 50 unpaid fines will be targeted, with transport permits at risk of being revoked if fines are not paid. Private vehicles with similar violations will also face consequences, including suspension of driving licenses.
When asked about the vehicle with the highest number of unpaid fines, Patil revealed a two-wheeler with a staggering 154 pending challans amounting to Rs 1.21 lakh in fines. Surprisingly, there are at least 35 vehicles in Pune where the total fines exceed the value of the vehicle itself. The police are determined to crack down on repeat offenders and ensure road safety for all residents.
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