Hey there, Pune folks! Here’s a quick update on the Kalyani Nagar Porsche Incident that has been keeping everyone on their toes. Pune Police finally submitted their investigation report to the Juvenile Justice Board a whole month after the tragic event shook the city.
The report is said to contain some pretty damning evidence, including CCTV footage from the crime scene and footage from pubs where the underage driver had been knocking back drinks before the fatal collision that resulted in the deaths of two young IT engineers. Now, the Juvenile Justice Board has the tough decision of whether to treat the minor accused as an adult and proceed with an adult trial.
Just to jog your memory, the incident occurred in the wee hours of 19th May when a prominent builder’s son was speeding around in his Porsche under the influence of alcohol. He ended up crashing into a two-wheeler, leading to the tragic deaths of Anish Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, the two young IT engineers. The minor accused was even granted bail by the JJB within 15 hours, under the condition of completing some simple tasks like writing an essay, which caused quite a stir nationwide.
But fear not, justice might finally be served as Pune Police have been pushing for the minor accused to be tried as an adult. This led to his bail being revoked, and he was placed in a Remand Home for Boys. The police had a deadline to submit their report to the JJB, and they just managed to meet that deadline two days before it was up.
The report is said to contain a wealth of information, including statements from the driver and his friends who were in the car at the time, accounts from friends who were partying with him before the accident, and statements from eyewitnesses. It also sheds light on a rather shady incident where the minor accused’s blood sample was allegedly swapped with his mother’s to cover up evidence of intoxication.
This blood-swapping scandal involves some hospital staff who are suspected of taking bribes. It’s a whole mess that involves some big names, including the minor accused’s father. Looks like this case is far from over, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on how things unfold. Stay tuned for more updates!
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