In a recent development in Pune, a wanted accused in a case of attempted murder has been successfully apprehended by the police. The accused, identified as Saurabh Timappa Dhangar, had been on the run since August 2024 after a gang attack on Tadiwala Road. The gang had threatened and assaulted Ganesh Sanjay Pol, leaving him seriously injured.
The police had taken action against the gang under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA), but Dhangar had managed to evade arrest until now. Acting on a tip-off, a police team led by Police Sub-Inspector Swapnil Lohar tracked Dhangar to the Raichur district in Karnataka and successfully arrested him.
This operation was carried out under the guidance of senior officials, including Additional Police Commissioner Pravin Kumar Patil and Deputy Commissioner of Police Smartana Patil. The swift action of the police team led to the apprehension of the accused, bringing a sense of relief to the community affected by the gang violence.
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