In a heartwarming turn of events, Pune Police recently managed to locate a 14-year-old boy who had been missing for four months after leaving his home in Bharti Vidyapeeth area. The boy was found selling water bottles at Jabalpur railway station, thanks to the diligent efforts of PSI Ashok Yevale and his team from the Swargate Investigation Team.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Smartana Patil praised the team for their dedication in tracking down the boy, who had left home following a disagreement with his father. The boy’s photo had been circulated widely, leading to his eventual discovery at Jabalpur Railway Station.

Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar announced a reward of five lakhs for the successful operation, which was carried out under the guidance of Additional Commissioner of Police Pravinkumar Patil and other key members of the team. The boy is now safe and in police custody, thanks to the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies across different states.

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