The recent allegations of harassment against Pune District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase by probationary IAS officer Pooja Khedkar have stirred up controversy in the administrative circles. Khedkar, who was initially posted as a trainee officer in the Pune Collector’s Office, has accused Diwase of misconduct during her tenure.
The case, which was first reported to the Washim Police, has now been transferred to the Pune Police for further investigation. Khedkar has been summoned to Pune to provide a statement regarding the alleged harassment.
In addition to the harassment allegations, Khedkar has also been accused of using a red beacon light on a private luxury car, claiming to be affiliated with the Maharashtra Government, and inappropriate behavior such as taking a separate hall for meetings and hiring staff. These actions were brought to the attention of the authorities by officials from the Pune Collector’s Office, leading to Khedkar’s transfer to Washim.
Commissioner of Police, Pune City, Amitesh Kumar, has confirmed that the Pune Police are actively investigating the matter and are working to get to the bottom of the allegations. Khedkar’s statement will be crucial in determining the outcome of the investigation.
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