In a surprising turn of events, the Pune Police has suspended two officers, Inspector Rahul Jagdale and Assistant Inspector Vishwanath Todkar, for their alleged negligence in the recent car crash that claimed the lives of two techies from Madhya Pradesh. The incident, which involved a minor driving a Porsche, has caused a stir nationwide.

The officers, who were stationed at the Yerawada police station where the accident occurred, have been accused of not taking proper action and failing to report the incident to their superiors. This has raised questions about the effectiveness of the police force in handling such critical situations.

Meanwhile, in a show of solidarity, hundreds of bar and pub owners in Pune took to the streets wearing black T-shirts to protest against the crackdown on their businesses. They argue that the closure of these establishments would result in the unemployment of over 60,000 people, putting a strain on their families.

The owners have also criticized the demands from opposition parties and social groups to ban bars and pubs for violating regulations. They emphasize that they run their businesses honestly and should not be punished for the actions of others.

The demonstrations come in response to the city-wide actions taken against more than 40 bars and pubs for various violations. This crackdown follows a warning from Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis, signaling a stricter enforcement of rules and regulations in the city.

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