1. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar is not messing around when it comes to cracking down on underage drinking and drug abuse among minors and college students in Pune.
  2. At a recent event organized by Punekar News, Commissioner Kumar expressed his worries about a potential fresher’s party at Blinque Pub, Viman Nagar, where minors might be getting their hands on alcohol.
  3. While the police aren’t thrilled about punishing minors, they are prepared to take strict action against both the pub and any underage drinkers at the party.
  4. This “surgical strike” at Blinque Pub is just the beginning of the police department’s efforts to curb the rising trend of underage drinking and drug abuse in Pune.
  5. Let this serve as a warning to all establishments serving alcohol – the Pune police mean business when it comes to protecting the city’s youth from the dangers of substance abuse.

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