Tragedy struck on the Old Mumbai-Pune Highway near Bopodi in the early hours of the morning when two policemen on a routine patrol were hit by a vehicle. Sadly, one officer, Constable Samadhan Koli, lost his life in the accident, while his colleague Constable Sanjog Shinde sustained injuries and is currently receiving medical treatment.

What makes this incident even more heartbreaking is that just moments before the accident, Constable Koli had reunited a missing girl with her parents. The heartwarming photo of this reunion, shared in the police group, turned out to be his final post. It showed the girl, Koli, and Shinde together at 1:07 AM, just before tragedy struck.

The two officers had found the girl alone at a bus stand in the Khadki area late at night. Concerned for her safety, they took it upon themselves to ensure she was reunited with her family. After verifying her parents’ credentials, they handed her over and even called the parents to let them know she was safe.

As they continued their patrol in the Khadki Bazar area and were on their way to Bopodi, the accident occurred. The driver of the vehicle that hit them, identified as Siddharth Raju Kengar, has been arrested and his car seized as evidence.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that police officers face every day while carrying out their duties to protect and serve the community. Our thoughts are with the families of Constable Koli and Constable Shinde during this difficult time.

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