Pune Police have recently launched an initiative called “Mission Parivartan – A New Direction, A New Journey” aimed at transforming the lives of juvenile offenders. Led by Pune City Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar and conceived by Joint Commissioner of Police Ranjan Kumar Sharma, the program provides counselling and training to help juveniles become self-sufficient.

According to JCP Sharma, the program focuses on juveniles from needy backgrounds who are at risk of turning to crime due to their circumstances. So far, over 550 juvenile offenders have received training and counselling, with around 250 showing positive signs of not returning to a life of crime.

The program teaches participants to make essential items like bags and clothes, with plans to expand into skill training for jobs like plumbing and mechanics. Businesses like the Punit Balan Group and government institutions like Maha Metro have shown interest in collaborating with the initiative.

The initiative was first launched in Ahilyanagar in 2017-18 when IPS Sharma was the Superintendent of Police there. Several juveniles from that program went on to join the Police Service, showing the potential impact of such initiatives in preventing crime and addressing its root causes.

Overall, the program aims to reduce juvenile crime rates in Pune by providing necessary skills and opportunities for employment. With the collaboration of businesses and government institutions, the program is set to make a positive impact on the lives of juvenile offenders and the community as a whole.

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