The news coming out of Shivajinagar today is quite shocking, as the district and sessions court has decided to send 6 accused individuals, including the father of a teen driver, to judicial custody for 14 days. This means they will now be staying at Yerwada Central Jail instead of the usual police lock-up. And to top it off, they are also now eligible for bail.
The main accused in this case is builder Vishal Agarwal, who owns Bramha Realty and Infrastructure. He is being charged with allowing his minor son to attend a party, consume alcohol, and then drive a car, which tragically resulted in the deaths of two IT professionals in Kalyani Nagar on May 19.
In addition to Agarwal, others involved in this case include Naman Prahlad Bhutada, the owner of Cosie club, and staff members of Blak Club. They are facing charges of serving alcohol to minors, including the underage driver.
To make matters worse, Pune police have added more sections to the case, including IPC section 201 and 420, as well as a section of the Motor Vehicles Act. Section 201, which deals with destroying evidence, was added after it was discovered that there was an attempt to cover up the fact that Agarwal’s driver was actually his minor son. And section 420, which deals with cheating, was added because Agarwal failed to pay the registration fee for the Porsche car involved in the incident, which was also running without number plates.
It’s a tragic and complex case that has left many in the community shocked and saddened. Stay tuned for more updates as this story continues to unfold.
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