The Pune Kalyaninagar Porsche accident case is still making headlines as new details come to light. The minor accused in the case has reportedly confessed to police that he was intoxicated at the time of the accident, which claimed the lives of two IT engineers on May 19, 2024.

The 17-year-old minor, son of builder Vishal Agarwal, admitted during police interrogation that he was driving under the influence of alcohol on the night of the accident. Sources close to the investigation reveal that the minor has limited recollection of the events surrounding the tragic collision.

In addition to the minor’s confession, his friends who were in the back seat of the car at the time of the accident have also corroborated his admission. They stated that he was driving at high speed after consuming alcohol, and are expected to be witnesses in the case.

The Agarwal family is facing legal repercussions, with the minor, his father Vishal Agarwal, mother Shivani Agarwal, and grandfather Surendra Kumar Agarwal all arrested in connection with the case. Vishal Agarwal and his father are in custody for allegedly conspiring to abduct the driver after the accident, while Shivani Agarwal is in police custody until June 5.

The tragic accident resulted in the deaths of Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, both 24 years old, who were riding a two-wheeler at the time of the collision. The impact was so severe that Koshta was thrown 15 feet away from the scene. The Yerwada police have filed a case against the minor under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Motor Vehicles Act.

So far, a total of 10 individuals, including members of the Agarwal family and individuals associated with the pub where the minor allegedly consumed alcohol, have been arrested in connection with the case.

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