Shocking new details have emerged in the Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident in Pune, where two IT youths lost their lives in a tragic accident involving a minor who was allegedly intoxicated. The name of NCP leader Sunil Tingre has been linked to the incident, with reports indicating that the minor’s father made 45 missed calls to Tingre on the day of the accident.
It has also been alleged that Tingre had ties to Dr. Ajay Taware, who has been suspended from Sassoon Hospital for tampering with the minor’s blood sample to avoid legal consequences. Despite denying accusations of pressuring police, Tingre’s involvement in the incident has raised questions within his own party, NCP (AP).
Reports suggest that the minor’s father tried to contact Tingre multiple times on the day of the accident, but Tingre did not answer the calls as he was asleep. Tingre is also accused of lobbying for Dr. Taware to remain at Sassoon Hospital, reaching out to Minister Hasan Mushrif. Dr. Taware, along with two others, has been suspended for altering the minor’s blood sample.
The incident has sparked controversy and calls for transparency regarding Tingre’s involvement in the case. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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