The scandal surrounding the Porsche car incident in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar has taken a shocking turn with the arrest of two senior doctors from Sassoon General Hospital. Dr. Ajay Taware and Dr. Shrihari Halnor are accused of tampering with crucial blood samples in an attempt to cover up the involvement of a minor who allegedly killed two young IT engineers while driving under the influence of alcohol.

It has been revealed that Dr. Taware and the accused minor’s father, Vishal Agarwal, had exchanged 14 phone calls just hours before the blood samples were taken. The doctors allegedly accepted a bribe to switch the blood samples, with Dr. Halnor’s residence yielding Rs 2,50,000 in cash and Ghatkamble’s residence producing Rs 50,000. Police also raided Dr. Taware’s residence in connection with the case.

Authorities suspect that the cash found in Dr. Halnor and Ghatkamble’s residences may be the bribes they received for tampering with the blood samples. However, the focus is on Dr. Taware’s financial transactions to determine the extent of his involvement in the manipulation. Police believe that Dr. Taware orchestrated the scheme to ensure that no alcohol was detected in the minor’s blood and to tamper with witnesses to protect the accused.

Further investigation is ongoing to analyze the phone call recordings between Vishal Agarwal and Dr. Taware, with authorities exploring the possibility of direct contact or the involvement of a mediator. The case continues to unfold as more details come to light in this shocking and tragic incident.

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