Pune was rocked by a tragic incident on 18th July 2024, when a minor was found driving his Porsche car while drunk and speeding in Kalyani Nagar. This reckless act led to the deaths of two individuals, and now a case has been registered against the young driver. The Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) is currently reviewing a report on the incident, with many statements already recorded. The police have almost completed their investigation and are preparing to file a chargesheet soon.
In the aftermath of the Kalyani Nagar Porsche accident, which will mark two months on 19th July, several arrests have been made. The minor accused and his family members were taken into custody, with the grandfather being granted bail. However, the grandfather, Surendra Kumar Agarwal, was arrested for allegedly coercing the family driver to take the blame for the minor’s actions. The parents, Vishal and Shivani Agarwal, were also arrested for tampering with blood sample evidence, along with hospital employees and others.
The Pune Police are pushing to have the minor accused tried as an adult, a process that could take up to 90 days to finalize. To try a minor as an adult, the police must file an application with the JJB for review by a committee. Section 15 of the Juvenile Justice Act allows for minors aged 16 to 18 who commit heinous offenses to be tried in a Criminal Court.
So far, 14 individuals have been arrested in connection with the Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident, with 7 of them being granted bail. Those released on bail include the minor accused, his grandfather, and several pub owners and employees who allegedly served alcohol to the underage driver. The individuals still in custody, including the minor’s parents and hospital staff, are facing charges related to tampering with evidence.
The Agarwal family’s lawyer, Adv Prashant Patil, provided an update on the case, noting that while the minor and his grandfather have been granted bail, the parents’ bail application is still pending. Vishal Agarwal, the father, is currently in judicial custody in connection with the blood sample tampering case.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ganesh Ingale, who is leading the investigation, stated that the chargesheet will be filed soon, and the accused are being interrogated for further details. The case has been escalated, with an application submitted to the JJB to have the minor tried as an adult. The investigation is ongoing, and new statements are being recorded as the case progresses.
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