The pub culture in Pune has been making headlines recently, especially after a Porsche car accident in Kalyani Nagar. Following this incident, authorities have cracked down on restaurants, pubs, and bars that were violating rules. Despite these efforts, some establishments have continued to operate beyond permitted hours.

One pub in particular has caused quite a stir by distributing invitations for their New Year party that included condom and ORS packets. Maharashtra State Youth Congress Media President Akshay Jain was quick to lodge a complaint with the Commissioner of Police, expressing concern over the pub’s actions.

Jain’s complaint highlighted the potential negative impact of such gestures on Pune’s educational and cultural reputation. He emphasized the importance of upholding the city’s values and traditions, and called for a thorough investigation and strict action against the pub owner.

In response, the pub management defended their decision, stating that the gift bags were part of their ‘Safety and Celebration’ theme for 2025. They included items such as a sound-generating device, confetti bomb, electrolyte packet, condom packet, and a contact number for a driver service to prevent drunk driving.

The pub management also noted that the inclusion of condoms was aimed at promoting safe and responsible behavior, aligning with initiatives of the National AIDS Control Organisation. Despite their explanation, the controversy surrounding the pub’s actions continues to spark debates among Pune residents.

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