1. High Spirits Café in Mundhwa, Pune, has stirred up controversy by distributing condoms and Electral ORS packets to its regular customers along with New Year’s invitations. The decision has led to a police inquiry and criticism from the Maharashtra Pradesh Youth Congress.
  2. The police have taken statements from attendees and gathered details from the pub’s management to investigate the matter. The management defended their actions as socially responsible and not illegal.
  3. The Maharashtra Pradesh Youth Congress has filed a complaint with the Pune Police Commissioner, denouncing the initiative. They believe that distributing condoms and ORS packets goes against Pune’s educational and cultural traditions.
  4. The complaint by the Youth Congress expressed concerns about the potential impact on youth, fearing that such actions could promote unhealthy habits and misunderstandings in society.
  5. The controversy surrounding High Spirits Café’s distribution of condoms and ORS packets has sparked a debate on social responsibility and cultural norms in Pune. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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