In a recent development in Pune, several pubs have taken the decision to restrict entry to individuals under the age of 25. This decision comes in light of the recent crackdown by the excise department on pubs following a Porsche crash in Kalyaninagar on May 19.
As per the Bombay Prohibition Act (1949), individuals aged 21-24 are only allowed to consume beer and wine, while hard liquor is reserved for those 25 and older. This move aims to simplify the monitoring of alcohol consumption in these establishments.
Additionally, some pubs have also implemented a no-dancing policy near tables to comply with existing regulations that prohibit such activities. While these measures have been put in place to adhere to excise rules, they have been met with mixed reactions from patrons.
Many guests have expressed concerns that these new rules are affecting the overall dining and nightlife experience in Pune. Some restaurants and pubs have even decided to temporarily close or stop serving alcohol altogether due to the fear of facing repercussions from the excise authorities.
Owners of these establishments have cited difficulties in monitoring the age and drinking preferences of patrons, especially when they are seated with individuals of varying ages. As a result, some pubs have resorted to only allowing entry to individuals aged 25 and above to avoid any complications.
Overall, these new policies have sparked a debate among both patrons and pub owners in Pune, with some questioning the feasibility of enforcing such strict measures. The future of the nightlife scene in the city remains uncertain as establishments grapple with the challenges posed by these regulations.
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