The Pune railway division is gearing up for some major changes with the addition of two new platforms at Khadki railway station. This move is aimed at making travel more convenient for passengers heading to Mumbai, as these platforms will allow long-distance trains to stop or start at Khadki instead of Pune station. This is great news for travelers who have had to deal with overcrowding and delays at Pune station, which sees a heavy influx of trains and millions of passengers daily.

By developing alternative terminals like Hadapsar and Khadki, the railway administration hopes to ease the burden on Pune station and create a more balanced distribution of passengers. With a fund of ₹35 crore approved by the Railway Board, plans are in place to extend an existing platform and construct a new one at Khadki station. Once completed, this will bring the total number of platforms to three, providing much-needed relief for both passengers and railway staff.

According to Indu Dubey, the Divisional Railway Manager of Pune, the extension of the Khadki terminal platform is a crucial step in reducing congestion at Pune station. With the tender process set to begin soon, passengers can expect to see improvements in passenger convenience in the near future. Additionally, the railway division is exploring the possibility of stopping express trains at key stations near Pune to further alleviate pressure on the central station, offering passengers more convenient disembarkation options around the city.

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