The Pune Division of the Indian Railways is celebrating a big win in revenue thanks to their recent crackdown on ticketless travelers. With fines totaling a whopping Rs 3.25 crores, it seems like their aggressive ticket-checking campaign has paid off big time.
In a special drive conducted by the Pune Railway Department, over 370,000 ticketless passengers were caught and fined, resulting in a total collection of Rs 27.83 crores. This initiative targeted key stations in the Pune division, including Pune, Satara, Karad, Miraj, and Kolhapur, where a large number of trains operate.
The fines collected weren’t limited to just ticketless travel either. Passengers found illegally occupying reserved sleeper carriages had to fork over Rs 5.99 crores, while those with excess luggage paid Rs 2.49 lakhs in fines.
Despite the hefty fines and increased enforcement, the issue of ticketless travel remains a persistent challenge for the Pune Railway Division. In the previous financial year, over 339,000 passengers were caught traveling without tickets, with northbound trains being particularly notorious for this offense.
To combat this ongoing issue, the railway administration has stepped up their game by increasing the number of ticket examiners on high-risk routes. However, it seems like ticketless travel continues to be a thorn in their side, proving to be a tough nut to crack for the Pune Railway Division.
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