Well, folks, it looks like a man in Pune fell victim to a crafty scam involving a fake National Advisor from the PMO. This con artist managed to swindle a whopping Rs 50 lakh from the unsuspecting victim by promising a juicy government tender. The incident took place in the Council Hall area of Pune, where the accused lured the victim with the prospect of landing a lucrative contract.
Now, the two individuals behind this scam have been identified as Kashmira Sandeep Pawar and Ganesh Gaikwad, both hailing from Satara. The victim, Gorakh Jagannath Maral, who resides in Pune, wasted no time in filing a complaint against these fraudsters. The case has been registered under various sections of the IPC at the Bund Garden police station.
It turns out that there was some prior connection between the victim and the accused. Kashmira Pawar cunningly posed as a National Advisor from the PMO and duped the victim into believing that she could secure a government tender for him. She even went as far as arranging a meeting at Council Hall and sending fake government tender documents via WhatsApp to make her story seem legit.
In the end, the victim ended up parting ways with a hefty sum of Rs 50 lakh, both in cash and through RTGS transfers, with nothing to show for it. Once he realized he had been swindled, he wasted no time in reporting the matter to the authorities at Bund Garden Police Station. Sub Inspector Gawade is now on the case and will hopefully bring these scammers to justice.
So, folks, the moral of the story is to always be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, especially when it involves large sums of money. It’s better to be safe than sorry and do your due diligence before handing over your hard-earned cash to smooth-talking fraudsters. Stay vigilant out there, Pune!
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