The issue of underweight gas cylinders has recently come to light in Pune, sparking concerns over LPG theft. Aam Aadmi Party spokesperson Mukund Kirdat has called on citizens to be vigilant and weigh their cylinders upon delivery to prevent fraud. This call to action follows a viral Facebook Live video by a Pune resident exposing underweight cylinders being distributed.

The incident gained attention when Advocate Dattatraya Bhange, a consumer in Kothrud, discovered his cylinder was nearly one kilogram underweight. He took to social media to share his experience and urge others to be cautious. Bhange emphasized the importance of customers insisting on weighing their cylinders to ensure transparency and fairness in gas distribution.

Kirdat echoed Bhange’s concerns and urged authorities to investigate instances of gas theft. He highlighted the need for consumers to be aware and proactive in protecting themselves from such fraudulent practices. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of strict regulations and consumer vigilance in combating LPG theft and ensuring a reliable supply of essential goods.

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