Koregaon Park, Pune – A Pune resident recently fell victim to a clever puncture scam while driving with his family near Ghorpadi Road. The man, who goes by the name Dhananjay, shared his story with Punekar News, warning others to be cautious when on the road.
According to Dhananjay, as he was passing Ghorpadi Road, a person alerted him to low tire pressure. He then noticed a puncture repair shop nearby and decided to pull over for a quick check. The shop staff claimed to find multiple punctures in one tire and recommended using a liquid sealant to fix the issue. Dhananjay ended up paying ₹6,500 for the repairs, as the workers insisted on treating all four tires.
Reflecting on the incident, Dhananjay realized he may have been scammed and advised others to be vigilant in similar situations. He urged drivers to double-check if someone alerts them about a puncture and not to fall for deceptive practices.
This incident has raised concerns among Pune residents about similar scams targeting distracted or hurried drivers. The repair shop in question is located near MNGL CNG Station on North Main Road.
Authorities and consumer advocates recommend verifying any tire issues yourself, staying calm in such situations, and being aware of standard repair charges to avoid falling prey to similar scams. Stay safe on the roads, Pune!
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