Residents of Pune are taking to social media to express their frustration with the state of the city’s roads, particularly the prevalence of potholes. Despite official claims that only 40 potholes remain to be repaired out of over 8,000 identified, many citizens are skeptical of these figures.

Complaints are pouring in from various parts of Pune, with residents like Ramesh Patil and Neha Sharma sharing their daily struggles with navigating the pothole-ridden streets. Social media platforms are flooded with photos and videos showcasing the extent of the problem, prompting calls for immediate action from the authorities.

While the Road Department of the Pune Municipal Corporation insists that repair work is ongoing and that the remaining potholes will be addressed, residents like Ajay Kulkarni and Priya Desai are urging for more sustainable solutions to be implemented. As the monsoon season persists, the pressure on the Municipal Corporation to effectively maintain the city’s roads is only increasing.

In the meantime, Punekars are left to contend with the hazardous road conditions, hoping that the authorities will follow through on their promises to improve the situation.

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