Pune residents are expressing their frustration with the Pune Municipal Corporation’s (PMC) website, claiming it lacks user-friendly features and updated information. A recent incident involving Shivajinagar resident Anup Joshi’s struggle to find contact details for a health inspector is just one example of the website’s shortcomings.
Nitin Kedari from Kothrud also noted the absence of essential contact information for officers handling complaints about water supply, garbage management, and roadworks. This information should be readily available but is not easily accessible on the website.
Key issues with the PMC website include outdated information, missing contacts, a lack of interactivity, incomplete project updates, and the absence of tourism and market information. Many citizens feel that the website does not adequately reflect the range of PMC’s responsibilities.
IT professional Abhay Rathod criticized the website for being basic and outdated, suggesting that interactive features should be added to help citizens file complaints and track civic initiatives’ progress. In response to these concerns, PMC’s IT department has directed all departments to update their information promptly.
To improve the website, recommendations include ensuring regular updates, introducing interactive features for filing complaints, creating a centralized directory of officers and departments, adding information about tourist attractions and markets, and establishing a feedback loop to improve usability.
By addressing these issues and embracing modern technology, PMC can enhance transparency, improve service delivery, and strengthen its relationship with Pune residents. A more functional and interactive website will not only resolve citizen grievances more efficiently but also demonstrate PMC’s commitment to a digitally empowered civic administration.
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