Kalyaninagar residents were left shaken on Monday morning when a cyclist was injured due to a loose wire hanging from the Ramwadi underpass. The incident has sparked concerns about the city’s infrastructure maintenance.
According to eyewitnesses, the cyclist’s handlebar got caught in the wire, causing him to fall. Drayson Dixon, a resident, highlighted the need for better infrastructure upkeep, stating that neglect could lead to more serious accidents.
Residents have also raised issues about unusable footpaths in the area, forcing pedestrians to walk dangerously close to traffic. One resident recalled seeing a low-hanging wire in a nearby lane just weeks ago.
In response, a PMC official confirmed that the wire at the underpass had been removed promptly after residents reported it. The official explained that it was an Internet cable that had somehow ended up dangling on the road.
Local residents are now calling for preventive measures to be put in place to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure the safety of commuters and pedestrians in Kalyaninagar.
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