The cyber fraud incidents in Pune have taken a troubling turn, with several residents falling victim to deceptive tactics and false promises by cyber thieves. A woman from Pashan was recently duped of a staggering Rs 13.23 lakh after receiving a call from scammers posing as Mumbai Crime Branch officials. The scammers threatened her with a “digital arrest” if she didn’t transfer the money to a specified account, which she did out of fear. Another resident from Pashan lost Rs 17.32 lakh in a fake stock market scheme where the scammers initially returned small profits to gain his trust before disappearing with the money. In a separate incident, a young woman from Baner was cheated out of Rs 1.88 lakh in a home loan scam where the scammer posed as a bank representative and requested a deposit to secure the loan.
These cases highlight the growing trend of cybercrime in Pune, with scammers using fear and trust tactics to deceive unsuspecting victims. The Baner police station has received complaints about these incidents and is actively investigating the matter. In light of these scams, the police have issued an advisory urging citizens to be cautious, ignore threatening messages or calls, refrain from sharing sensitive information without verification, and contact cyber police if approached by suspected scammers. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from falling prey to cyber fraud.
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