The recent birthday celebration of Venky’s India President Balaji Rao turned into a late-night party that caused chaos in the Bavdhan area of Pune. The event, organized by Adinath Sambhaji Mate, featured loud music, LED lights, and continued from 9:30 PM to 2:30 AM, disturbing residents up to 3-4 kilometers away.
The noise pollution led to numerous complaints from citizens in Bavdhan, Pashan, and other nearby areas, with many experiencing sleepless nights and health issues. Despite initial police inaction due to involvement of influential people, over 100 citizens gathered at the Bavdhan Police Station to demand action.
Eventually, the police initiated proceedings against the organizers and performers, including Shankar Mahadevan and his son Shivam. The Baner police station confirmed that action for sound pollution was taken in the morning and a complaint was registered under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules of 2000.
The Bavdhan Citizens Forum has also demanded strict action against those responsible for the disturbance. With the police now involved, it remains to be seen how this case will unfold in the coming days.
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