Residents of Pune are taking a stand for safer nightlife by advocating for the reinstatement of 11:30 PM closing times for pubs and restaurants. The petition, addressed to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, aims to restore peace and safety in residential areas amid concerns over disturbances caused by extended operating hours. The initiative has gained momentum as residents highlight the adverse effects of late-night activities on community decorum and call for stricter regulations to govern nightlife.

One of the key concerns raised in the petition is the presence of illegally operating restro bars in residential zones, lacking essential amenities such as parking, soundproofing, and rooftop facilities. Residents are pushing for the cancellation of licenses for such establishments to uphold safety standards and prevent further disturbances. Recent tragic events, such as a fatal collision caused by an underage driver speeding at 150 kmph, have underscored the need for enhanced public safety measures in the city.

To address these concerns, residents are advocating for timely validations of closure timings, crackdowns on underage drinking and driving, monitoring of unregistered vehicles, noise control measures, enhanced patrolling, and citizen obedience campaigns. These proposed measures aim to ensure public safety and mitigate risks associated with late-night activities. Authorities are being urged to prioritize public safety by considering these demands and taking immediate action to address the issue.

Overall, the residents of Pune are united in their efforts to create a safer nightlife environment for all citizens. By coming together and voicing their concerns, they are striving to make their city a better place for everyone to enjoy responsibly.

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