In a bid to enhance road safety in Pune, the Regional Transport Office (RTO) has launched a strict enforcement campaign targeting government employees who fail to wear helmets while riding two-wheelers. The campaign kicked off on December 2 and is set to expand to include citizens visiting government offices on two-wheelers without helmets.
The decision to crack down on helmet violations follows a meeting led by Abhay Sapre, Chairman of the Road Safety Committee, where data from Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad, and surrounding rural areas highlighted the alarming rate of two-wheeler riders involved in fatal accidents due to lack of helmet usage.
The campaign initially focused on penalizing 205 government employees for not wearing helmets, with plans to extend to citizens visiting government offices like the District Collectorate and Municipal Corporations. The goal is to ensure that both government officials and the public adhere to helmet laws to prevent unnecessary road fatalities.
The move comes in response to concerns over the high number of two-wheeler riders losing their lives in accidents and the lack of enforcement of existing helmet laws. By implementing stricter measures and targeting government employees as a starting point, the RTO aims to promote a culture of road safety and encourage compliance with helmet regulations.
Future plans include expanding the campaign to cover all government offices in Pune and its outskirts, with a strong focus on improving road safety for all road users. The initiative underscores the importance of wearing helmets as a crucial protective measure and sets the stage for increased enforcement of helmet laws to safeguard public safety.
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