The India Meteorological Department (IMD) recently issued Red Alerts for several districts in Maharashtra, including Pune, causing schools up to 12th grade to give students a day off. However, the heavy rains predicted by the IMD failed to materialize, leading to backlash on social media.

Pune District Collector, Dr. Suhas Diwase, made the decision to close schools to ensure student safety. While school staff were required to stay on campus for disaster management duties, many questioned the need for the holiday as the weather remained clear and sunny all day.

Both Government and Private schools, including CBSE and ICSE affiliated institutions, were affected by the unexpected holiday. Parents and teachers expressed frustration, with some calling for more accurate forecasts from the IMD to prevent unnecessary disruptions to the academic calendar.

Overall, the day off for students in Pune sparked controversy and debate, with many feeling that the holiday was unwarranted given the lack of inclement weather.

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