Pune is in for a temperature rollercoaster as minimum temperatures are set to rise after a recent sharp drop. Just last Friday, Shivajinagar and the National Defence Academy areas experienced a chilly 11.7°C, but meteorologists are predicting a significant increase to 18°C in the coming days.
The India Meteorological Department has noted a 1-3°C drop in minimum temperatures in regions like Madhya Maharashtra and Telangana, but a reversal is expected with a 2-3°C rise in central India, including parts of Maharashtra. This change is attributed to a western disturbance over eastern Iran and warmer easterly winds from the Bay of Bengal, which will bring warmer and more humid nights to Pune.
While Magarpatta saw a minimum temperature of 18.6°C on Friday, Shivajinagar and NDA were significantly cooler at 11.7°C, showcasing the diverse climate within the city. This winter has already seen notable temperature fluctuations, with Shivajinagar dropping from 15.3°C to 11.7°C in just a few days.
As Pune prepares for warmer nights, residents can expect some relief from the recent cold spell. However, meteorologists caution that these temperature swings are typical during the winter season and advise keeping an eye on changing wind patterns and weather disturbances. Once the current western disturbance passes, temperatures may drop again, bringing another round of chilly weather to the city.
For now, Puneites can enjoy a brief break from the cold, but should be prepared for more changes in the days ahead. Stay tuned for updates on the fluctuating temperatures in Pune!
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