Brrrr! The mercury has taken a nosedive in Pune as winter makes a fierce comeback in the city. Single-digit temperatures were recorded across several locations, with Haveli shivering at a bone-chilling 8°C and Shivajinagar not far behind at 9.6°C.
This sudden drop in temperatures has left residents reaching for their warmest blankets and jackets. At least six areas in Pune saw single-digit minimum temperatures for the first time this January, including Talegaon, NDA, Baramati, and Shirur.
Weather expert Abhijit Modak explained that an anti-cyclonic system over central India, combined with clear skies and dry air, is responsible for the chilly conditions. Low moisture levels and northeasterly winds have also contributed to the temperature drop.
Despite the cold mornings, maximum temperatures have remained stable around 30-31°C during the day. Modak pointed out that temperature inversion effects have intensified nighttime cooling but have not affected daytime temperatures.
The India Meteorological Department reported that Ahilyanagar in Pune recorded the lowest temperature in the state at 7.7°C, while Gondia and Nagpur in Vidarbha saw temperatures 3-4 degrees below normal.
Experts predict that temperatures will begin to stabilize in the coming week, with Shivajinagar expected to rise to 14°C by mid-week. Residents are advised to stay warm and prepare for the ongoing winter chill, although conditions are expected to moderate soon.
So, grab your hot cocoa and cozy up because it looks like winter is here to stay in Pune for a little while longer. Stay warm, folks!
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