Pune, 21st June 2024: Two young individuals in Pune, Mihir Gandhi and Minakshi Salunkhe, are facing potential legal trouble after attempting a risky stunt for a social media reel. The video, shot at Shri Swami Narayan Mandir near Narhe, has caused quite a stir online.
Authorities are considering registering a case of attempted suicide against the duo, who are said to be professional athletes. The reel, which has garnered widespread criticism, shows the girl hanging from the boy’s hand at a dangerous height in an attempt to showcase ‘grip strength’.
Prominent Pune-based reel star Atharva Sudame has spoken out against such dangerous actions, urging people to think twice before seeking fame through risky behavior. Many elders have also emphasized the importance of focusing on studies rather than engaging in reckless activities for social media attention.
The incident has sparked discussions about parental influence and the need for police action against those who create hazardous content. It is reported that the video was shot and published in April, and the duo was summoned to the police station for questioning recently.
With court authorization, Pune Police are planning to add IPC section 309 (Attempt to commit suicide) to the charges against the social media influencers. This case serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of chasing instant social media fame without considering the consequences.
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